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Hi, I am Antonio Franques, and I am currently working at NVIDIA as a Senior Architect, focusing on GPU and SoC modelling.

Previously, I was part of the Platform Architecture group at Apple, working on performance modelling and analysis of on-chip interconnects in various SoCs.

I received my master’s and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), under the supervision of Prof. Josep Torrellas, and as a member of the i-acoma group. My research focused on the application of novel interconnect technologies in large-scale multicore architectures. Specifically, I aimed to design scalable and efficient memory hierarchies to reduce the cost of data transfers, by using on-chip wireless communication.

While I was a graduate student at UIUC, I interned twice at AMD Research (Austin, TX, and Seattle, WA), developing and benchmarking driver and library software to evaluate the capabilities and performance of prototype interconnects for exascale computing.

Prior to joining UIUC, I obtained my bachelor’s degree in telecommunications engineering from the Technical University of Valencia (UPV), Spain, and completed one exchange semester at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway.

During my undergraduate studies at UPV, I also performed two years of research in the area of computational mathematics under the supervision of Professors Juan Ramon Torregrosa and Alicia Cordero, as a member of the DAMRES group, developing numerical methods for nonlinear modeling.

Besides computer science related topics, my other personal interests and hobbies include running, hiking, rock climbing, traveling, and cooking.

You can find a copy of my full resume here, and a shorter version here. Also, you can email me at
